BEC Proceedings MiP2023

Submissions now closed


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For more information about submitting continue reading.

Submission guidelines:

Length: 250 words
Spacing: Set page size to A4, margins: 3 cm top, 2.5 cm bottom, 2.5 cm left, 2.5 cm right
Font: Cambria
Title: (bold, font size 20 pt)
Use capital letters in the title only where necessary.
Authors: (font size 14 pt)
Presenting author's surname + first name (+ initials), underlined, e.g. Smith Jane F
For networking purposes including a headshot photo of the presenting author is recommended.
Co-authors' surname + initials. e.g. Sanders HF
If authors are based at different institutions provide a superscript to indicate their affiliations and use a comma without space to separate numbers. e.g. Sanders HF1, Gonzalez A1,2
Affiliations: (font size 10 pt)
Separate affiliations by semicolons and link to authors using superscripts, e.g. 1Dept VW, Univ XY; 2Dept TU, Univ Z
Use abbreviations for Department, University, etc. (Dept, Univ)
Presenting author's email address is given at the end of all affiliations
Main text: (font size 12 pt, justification)
Structured in paragraphs with bold headers for each section, use 5 mm tabs
Recommended sections for typical original experimental communications:
Introduction: Should not be longer than one paragraph providing an appropriate background for the research work.
Methods: The methods should provide enough detail of all the procedures used in the extended abstract to allow the reproducibility of the presented research. We encourage authors to provide information related to the experimental design as suggested in ARRIVE and NIH guidelines (e.g., information about replicates, randomization, blinding, sample size, and the criteria for inclusion and exclusion of any data or subjects).
Results and discussion: The results should be clear and concise. The discussion should be precise and not longer than one or two short paragraphs.
SI units and IUPAC recommendations:
Manuscripts must adhere to SI units and IUPAC recommendations. MitoEAGLE recommendations on terms and symbols are to be implemented.
» SI:
» IUPAC Green Book:
» MitoEAGLE:
Decimal and thousands separators: (123 456.00)
Use a period to indicate the decimal place, and a space to separate groups of thousands in data tables, and text.
References: (font size 10 pt)
Provide up to seven references
As a signatory of DORA, we introduce the concept of References in BEC https-format:
  • For periodical publications: 1. Chance B, Williams GR (1955) Respiratory enzymes in oxidative phosphorylation. I. Kinetics of oxygen utilization.
  • For publications with more than 12 authors: use et al after the 1st author
  • For consortia publications, mention the consortium name: 2. Gnaiger E et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group (2020) Mitochondrial physiology.
  • For books: 3. Nelson DL, Cox MM (2021) Lehninger principles of biochemistry. 8th ed. WH Freeman ISBN:9781319228002
Cite references in the text by sequential numbers given in brackets, e.g. [1].
Use lower case letters for the title
Figures and tables:
Include one figure/table with short captions.
» Units in figures and tables
Keywords: (font size 10)
Provide up to 5 key words
Author contributions: (font size 10)
e.g. Data collection and evaluation was performed by AA, AB, AC. All authors wrote the manuscript. AA and AB designed the framework of the review.
Conflicts of interest: (font size 10)
e.g. AB declares the following conflicts of interest XXX. AA has declares no conflict of interest.


  • All accepted contributions will be published in BEC Proceedings MiP 2023. 
  • Authors retain copyright. Publication in BEC Proceedings does not preclude the authors of including this content in a full-length manuscript as a living communication in BEC.

Selection process:

  • Submissions will be evaluated by the International Scientific Committee.