BEC Formats

Living Communications

Types of communications

Short communications

  • Short communications - have the format of extended abstracts, without belonging to a specific conference. Compare: Extended_abstracts. Extended abstracts posted in MitoFit Preprint Archives in the context of any conference may be submitted to Bioenergetics Communications, if the content is suitable.
  • Comments - provide critical discussions of publications, including summaries of journal clubs.


  • Technical communications - contain instrumental and methodological details on HRR particularly focused on quality control
  • Innovations - introduce tests of new instrumental developments or novel applications
  • SUIT protocols - present the concept of a specific SUIT protocol, exceeding the MitoPedia description and containing more detail than typical methods sections in other publications
  • Confirmatory results - demonstrate reproducibility (confirmation is the only way to do this) and add to the statistical significance of published results
  • Negative results - discuss findings on methodological difficulties that failed to lead to a relevant innovation
  • Regular papers - extended by the concept of living communications
  • Minireviews - short overviews of recent progress in a specific area of bioenergetics and mitochondrial physiology
  • Monographs - reviews and textbooks
  • Topic series - communications collected according to specific research topics


It is possible to publish data without statistical relevance per se, from which alone it is not possible to draw firm conclusions. Several small data sets made available from many laboratories in a methodologically consistent and reproducible way result in large data sets that are statistically even more relevant.
Non-traditional peer reviewed publications in the form of communications from large consortia (>75 authors) and new editions of previously published book chapters, whereby many contributors and opportunities for feedback have in a sense provided peer-review, are also possibilities for the journal.